Virtual Peaker, a cloud-based SaaS company empowering modern utilities with the friendliest distributed energy platform on the planet, and TrickleStar Inc. (TrickleStar - CYW), an industry leader in energy efficiency solutions, have integrated their technologies so they can offer controllers to upgrade standard water heaters into smart Wi-Fi-enabled devices that save money, lower energy bills, and maximize solar energy systems—without having to buy a new water heater.
By integrating Virtual Peaker’s DERMS suite, Shift, using Gravity Connect open-spec API with TrickleStar’s devices, utilities can apply machine learning and real-time control to optimize and scale up DER initiatives while minimizing the impact on residential customers. Water heater controllers are affordable, easy-to-install after-market items that allow standard units to be upgraded to smart water heaters that reduce cost and peak load. They also avoid the significant cost and potential negative environmental disposal ramifications of purchasing new units.
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