Why TrickleStar


  1. Founded 2007
  2. Portfolio of award-winning energy solutions
  3. >7 million products installed in US
  4. The preferred choice for many utilities and contractors
  5. A low risk partner
    1. Publicly listed in AAA rated Singapore, one of the most trusted and best regulated markets globally
    2. Highest rated exchange group globally by Moody’s
    3. Transparency, good governance and accountability
    4. Comprehensive product liability insurance (US$8M / claim)
    5. Products manufactured in Malaysia - stable, democracy with strong, stable, business friendly legal system. Insulation from China / US tensions

Smart Thermostat

Jog Dial with color lighting

Layered complexity

Flexibility with HVAC equipment

C-Wire Kit and Sensors

LAN Mode operation

On device schedules

Multi-site, multi-device, multi-user

Ownership transfer

Multi-user geofencing

3rd party integrations

Truly integrated, single platform for both water heating and HVAC

Alerts and Service Reminders


LED Colors

Layered Complexity

Water Heater Controller

Multi-site, multi-device, multi-user
LAN Mode operation
On device schedules
Flood Sensor
Multi roles and privileges
Ease of ownership transfer
Multi-user geofencing
3rd party integrations
Truly integrated, single platform for both water heating and HVAC
Provisioning + Configuration
Kitting, Documentation
Energy Hub / Custom Integration

3rd Party Integration

Unified Platform

  • Single, energy centric platform to manage HVAC and water heating
  • Feature rich Portal for config, monitoring, control scheduling, account management and 3rd Party platform integration
  • Sophisticated Utility Portal to monitor device installations, online status, firmware and serial numbers
  • Best in class security