TS1104 - 7 Outlet Tier 1 Advanced PowerStrip
TS2602 Advanced Keyboard - TrickleStar
TS2602 Advanced Keyboard
TS2101 Power Switch
TS2001 Plug-in Energy Monitor
TS2001 Plug-in Energy Monitor
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Energy Kit Bundle


Unlock incredible savings and enhance your home's energy efficiency with the TrickleStar Energy Kit Bundle. This exclusive offer combines our most popular energy-saving products into one comprehensive kit, giving you everything you need to start cutting costs and reducing your environmental footprint.

The Energy Kit includes:

  1. TS2003 Energy Monitor x 1pc
  2. TS2101 PowerSwitch x 4pcs
  3. TS1104 Advanced PowerStrip x 1pc
  4. TS2602 Energy-Saving Keyboard x 1pc

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Maximize Savings

Simplify Control

Eco-Friendly Living

TS2003 Plug-in Energy Monitor

The first thing you can do to save energy at home is to start understanding and measuring how much energy each home appliances uses. Watch and track your electricity usage with energy display and see the impacts or benefits when you change your electricity usage behaviour.

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The TrickleStar PowerSwitch eliminates standby power loss and the hassle of unplugging devices by shutting off power to connected electronics. With the flip of a switch, it disconnects all power to plugged-in electronics and appliances, thereby saving energy and reducing unnecessary electric utility costs.

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Advanced PowerStrip (TS1104)

The TrickleStar Advanced PowerStrip reduces energy waste by automatically
cutting power to idle devices, saving on electricity bills.

Energy Saving Keyboard

The TrickleStar® Energy Saving Advanced Keyboard utilizes highly-accurate
radar sensing technology to detect user absence from the computer,
automatically putting it to sleep swiftly.

TrickleStar Energy Kit Bundle

The TrickleStar Energy Kit bundle includes a power strip, energy monitor, 4 powerswitches, and energy-saving keyboard, each designed to help you combat high electricity bills while promoting sustainability.

Together, these devices help lower your energy costs and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. Don’t miss out on this comprehensive energy-saving solution—grab the offer now before it’s gone!

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