GSA PowerStrips

TAA-compliant Advanced PowerStrips and Surge Protectors

If you supply products for GSA schedules or government projects, these products must meet the requirements of the Trade Agreements Act (TAA). TAA requirements are integral in federal procurement contracts such as the GSA (General Services Administration). Generally powerstrips and surge protectors are produced in low cost countries such as China due to the significant labour component involved in the manufacturing process of these types of products. Products produced in China do not meet TAA requirements and are therefore are unable to be used.

TrickleStar offers a wide range of TAA compliant advanced powerstrips for energy saving applications and general surge protection that meet TAA requirements. TrickleStar TAA compliant products are manufactured in Taiwan.

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The penalties for the supply of non-compliant products into the GSA and other federal program are serious and significant. Vendors must verify that only products that are produced in accordance with TAA requirements are supplied. TrickleStar can provide details and guarantees substantiating TAA compliance upon request.

For more information on TAA compliant products, please contact a TrickleStar sales representative.

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